Risk Management Office (RMO) rolled the conduct of first safety and security personnel training-seminar held at the Audio-Visual Room on August 3-4 in response to the observance of University’s safe and secured environment.
RMO, one of the new offices by virtue of PSU Board Resolution No. 50 series of 2017 approving the revised and updated the University’s organizational structure that took effect on July 8, was created to respond to various threats, control risks and mitigate its occurrence.

Mr. John F. Quinto together with Mr. Christopher C. Mabazza while demonstrating some basic self-defense as part of the physical fitness training program of the PSU Security Personnel.
Spearheaded by Dr. Susana L. Fernandez, Director for RMO, pushed the training-seminar to educate the University security personnel on the role of school to students and employees, role of Philippine National Police to school, students’ perception on PSU security personnel, rights and privileges of security personnel, and police community relations management.
These were discussed by the following noble speakers: Dr. Paulo V. Cenas, PS1 Fernan L. Rivera, Leizel M. Del Castillo, Atty. Darius De Guzman, and P/Supt. Charlie D. Umayam, respectively.
Mr. John F. Quinto also upskilled the security personnel on physical fitness training program as he demonstrated basic self-defense.
Said training-seminar re-echoed the 5th National School Safety Convention in Angeles City, Pampanga last July 27-28. Along with Dr. Fernandez who attended the convention were Mr. Christopher C. Mabazza, Head for Safety and Security, and Mr. Julius A. Sison, Head for Disaster Risk Management.
The said convention led by Safety Organization of the Philippines is committed in the advocacy and campaign for safety and prevention awareness pursuant to the Proclamation No. 115 which declared the month of July as School Safety Month. Further, it brought together experts on school safety to discuss issues, problems, solutions and technological advances.
RMO co-represented by Mr. Mabazza said that “The Office is now in the regular monitoring of the cleanliness, strict implementation of school policies and maximum security.” He added that their office’s next step is the continuous meetings and trainings to be conducted across the nine campuses of PSU with the target participation of students and employees to guarantee the effectiveness and sustainability of safety and security in the University.
More so, road and safety precaution signages are also visible in the University through the initiative of the RMO.