Pangasinan State University (PSU) conducted a Consultative Meeting with the Department of Education (DepEd) Officials at the PSU Lingayen De Venecia Information and Technology Center on September 14, 2017.
The activity aims to establish a system of working relationship through a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) for their mutual benefit and advantage in conducting activities relevant to Practice Teaching (PT) and Field Study (FS) Programs.

Dr. Dexter R. Buted, University President, and the DepEd Schools Division Superintendents of Pangasinan while signing the Memorandum of Agreement on Practice Teaching and Field Study Programs.
PSU and DepEd are commonly concerned about the pre-service education of teachers as key to achieving sustainable quality basic education. More so, both parties believed that the two programs are necessary to adequately prepare the student teachers for their functions and responsibilities.
Dr. Liza L. Quimson, PSU Director for Practice Teaching, mentioned some responsibilities of PSU as stated under the MoA. She said that PSU is generally responsible to coordinate with the Schools Division Superintendent, and furnish the official list of qualified students teachers and FS students to be deployed in different cooperating schools.
The responsibilities of PSU in terms of PT are the following: conduct activities like orientation program, briefing for off-campus teaching, and mid-conference; coordinate with the school principal or district supervisor before deployment; designate a PT Supervisor; provide a plan or program of activity to cooperating schools; and conduct regular supervisory visits.
Meanwhile, the responsibilities of PSU in terms of FS are: coordinate with the Schools Division Superintendent and furnish the official list of FS students; deploy field study students; designate a FS Supervisor; gather feedback from the cooperating schools; and conduct exit conference with the cooperating school head.