Students’ Research Colloquium
Research helps the students to have a detailed analysis of everything. It also encourages students to open their minds in the possibilities that research can reveal.
Mr. and Ms. PSU Infanta 2022
Alumni and Retirees Day 2022
Alumni are a valuable resource to the campus community in a multitude of ways. They can be resource speakers during seminars or workshops, coaches in sports or academic works, event organizers, volunteers, contributors, and money donors.
Final Demonstrationg Teaching
Final Demonstration Teaching is similar to practical examination and is the most crucial part in the life of student-teachers. This is the time when all of the hard works of students in internship will be judged. During the demonstration teaching, the student-teachers will apply what they have learned into a real classroom setting.
Students’ exposure outside the four walls of classrooms contribute a lot in their holistic development as performing individuals in the world of professionals. Students of the different programs in the field of Agriculture, Teacher Education and in Business Administration showcase creativity and ability to conceptualize design or site planning and learn how to utilize affordable and sustainable resources. This activity fosters the learning individuals to value management skills and manifest teamwork and collaboration, skills that a learning institution could offer to its clients to become a productive citizen who is ready to uphold ideals of PSUnians.
PCEP National Demonstration Teaching Contest
Laro ng Lahi
Laro ng Lahi should not only be remembered but also be instilled to youth. Exposing and engaging the students to Laro ng Lahi is vital, most especially now that youth are more inclined on online games and social media. Students will benefit from the games in terms of health, culture, social aspiration, and values. Through this Laro ng Lahi, students also develop a sense of nationalism.
Boodle Fight
The boodle fight is not just about eating in a feast with your bare hands while standing but more likely about spending time with each other and valuing friendship and good relationship. This tradition has been a practice in the campus among the stakeholders to showcase camaraderie.
Quiz Bee
Sharpening cognitive skills of learning individuals is one of core goals of teaching. This happen inside the classroom and exposure to pedagogical encounters outside the classroom. Opportunities are provided for the learning individuals for them to have experiences to participate in the different competitions such as Quiz Bee. They learn how to acquire knowledge on the general information, practice resourcefulness and efficiency in using different resources. They embrace appreciation on the value of researching and reading references such as books. They gain wisdom on how to value time management skills and manifest sportsmanship and cooperation.
Womens’ Month Celebration
Gender and Development is celebrated annually to ensure that everyone has a part to play in school. This celebration guarantees that inequalities among boys, girls, men and women are reduced and bring about understanding of human rights among men and women.
Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers Review Advocacy
The campus conducts free LET review for BSEd and BEEd graduating students to attain higher passing percentage during their Licensure Examination for Teachers.
Tawag ng Tanghalan (Singing Contest)
Tawag ng Tanghalan was conducted to showcase the students’ talents in singing.
Tree Planting
To give support to PSU’s Core Values (Social and Environmental Responsiveness), the campus continuously conducts Tree-planting Activity together with other stakeholders. Students are always encouraged to join such activity since it promotes environmental awareness.
Supreme Student Council Extension Program
SCUAA Regional Games 2020
PSU conducts Intramurals and Inter-Campus Athletic Meet annually and also joins State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association Meet occasionally. By conducting and joining such Sports competitions, PSUnians learn various skills like discipline, self-esteem, leadership, patience, team effort, and social skills. Students also stay healthy not only physically but also mentally and emotionally.
The ‘Buwan ng Wika‘ celebration will also highlight cultural activities all over the country.